Endangered Species Reintroduction Programme (ESRP)
There is rarely any close encounter with endangered species when living in Hong Kong. In view of this, Vincent Wan and Swing Lam invited Dr. Benchard Moronson and Mr. Mao Li, experts of Zoology to Hong Kong, bringing with some of the endangered species.
Endangered Species Reintroduction Programme (ESRP) is a deliberate act to release some of the endangered animals that had been in captivity into the natural environment. Dr. Benchard Moronson choose Hong Kong Park as one of the reintroduction areas for Endangered species, as a part of ERSP, and “wishPark“. The mission to release endangered animals into Hong Kong Park is to allow citizen to understand Art and nature. Moreover, live data of the endangered species in the park will be collected for future studies to help prevent their extinctions.
瀕危物種野放計劃 (ESRP)的目的是讓瀕危動物回歸自然,重新適應當今地球的生活。是次曾摩六教授特意在香港公園野放動物, 也是“輕講公園”藝術計劃的特備項目。目標是將可持續發展的 概念帶入社區,亦讓市民更貼近藝術和自然,同時亦會記錄和收 集瀕危動物於城市生活的數據,會對日後研究環境對瀕危動物的 影響有莫大幫助。
*Dr. Benchard Moronson, Mr. Mao Li and the two Pandas, was acted by Vincent Wan and Swing Lam
HongKong Park